blogging my progress on creating more and consuming less...


01 July 2012


Grace in small things.

1. These beebees are kicking like crazy. Twin 2 (Tupac) is the most nutso of the two, and I'm wondering if that's my fault, for temporarily naming him Tupac. By the way, they're both boys. I can't remember if I mentioned that. Boys. AAAAAACK! Help! Just kidding, Imma love it.

2. Pinterest is really good for planning the decor of a new home. I've created a board for each room, so I can keep my pins organised and start to see some cohesiveness of what colour and style I'll be going with. Sorry. Boring, I know. But it makes mama happy.

3. True Blood is back.

4. I've been reading some amazing books! They're written for teenagers, but whatev. I'm a school librarian, so it's allowed. Required even. Amazing book number one: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. I cried my eyes out. Amazing book number two: Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. I couldn't sleep until it was finished.

5. Brunch at Mel's.

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