blogging my progress on creating more and consuming less...


20 October 2011


Grace in small things.

1. Dhari loves Where the Wild Things Are.

2. Sold a Raj bunting at the beginning of the week to a lady who seemed REALLY EXCITED!!!! about its impending presence at a party. Yay! I sensed the warm fuzzies in the purchase, so I threw in a little freebie. That's always fun.

3. Have had fun with this little up-cycle project:
no. 5 - reversed junk mail envelopes
So easy. I love a bit of immediate gratification. I did mine with the pretty decorative tape I bought at Renegade Craft Fair. Here's the finished product:

4. My mom and dad will be here this time next week.

5. Tenerife was awesome. I read a lot, laughed a lot, drank a lot, and basked a lot.


Kat said...

Those envelopes look brilliant! Nice work :)

Very envious of your Tenerife jaunt too...oh, for some actually-hot sunshine!

Suzanne said...

Oh, it was a much needed jaunt... By the way, I love your blog's new look!
