blogging my progress on creating more and consuming less...


12 January 2010

Special Delivery!!!

Today was a glorious day for deliveries.

First a courier rang the bell and magically produced Dhari's American passport, which we only applied for last week! How's that for a quick turnaround? I let Dhari play with his new passport, hoping he wouldn't try to tear the pages out. He likes it very much. Don't tell Marcus.

And just as I put Dhari down for his nap, our friendly postman rang the bell! I briefly cursed him and begged the god of naps to let Dhari be tired enough to go to sleep anyway (so far so good, by the way). My anger subsided though, when I realised this must be one of my eagerly anticipated online purchases.  Sometimes you have to consume to create, you know. I was wrong though. Lo and behold, it was two of my eagerly anticipated online purchases! My very cute moo minicards and the letterpress stationery I ordered for Dhari's thank you cards. I love etsy. People do wonderful things all over the world. This time, Patrick of Lucky Duck Press was doing his wonderful thing in Brooklyn. Check out these notecards:

They're so pretty. I am officially a letterpress convert. I'm thinking of sticking a photo of Dhari on the front, within the border, and writing his note on the back. I just can't get over how lovely these are.

And the moo minicards! Adorable! These are for my banditos. I've had, on a few occasions (probably not enough occasions to warrant getting 100 cards made), people ask me about Dhari's bandito. I find it too awkward trying to sell things to people, so this way, I can just hand them a super-cute card and say, "Thanks! I make them. Here's my website." Also, with the other 99 cards I'll have left over, I can turn them into little branded labels to tie onto my banditos. Or something. Here they are:

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