blogging my progress on creating more and consuming less...


04 December 2011


Grace in small things.

1. Volunteering at Fine Cell Work yesterday afternoon. We put together project kits: cutting and counting strands of yarn and thread, constructing colour keys, and choosing and assembling colour way kits for new recruits to practise their needlework. The last one was good fun. I decided to make a colour way inspired by my shirt.

FCW is a charity organisation that works with prisoners, but what makes them unique is they teach the prisoners needlework/embroidery, and then give them paid work. What they have found is that not only does it give them the opportunity to have money to do things like call home or save up for a better life when they get out, but the work itself allows them to have quiet, positive moments in their cells to reflect and to have positive, supportive interactions with fellow inmates who are also involved in FCW. 75% of the inmates involved are men. Amazing. The organiser read out a letter they received that week from a "lifer" who wrote how important FCW was to him and his own mental wellbeing, and his message nearly made me cry. I hope to do a lot more work with FCW in the future.

2. Adele got her needle book and it would seem that she loves it.

3. I'm going to the Concrete Market today. It's organised by Tobyboo, who I think I've mentioned before.

4. I crocheted a cowl last night with some yarn which I think is from the 80s. It is warm and fuzzy.

5. Marcus gave our bedroom a proper tidy up and clean yesterday. It now looks like no one actually lives there. I love it.

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